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Welcome to the See Me Gallery!

The naming of the gallery was developed through a collaboration of staff and artists who are clients of PRI.  The artists made the final vote on which name best represents what showing their art in this gallery means to them.

Anastasia G

Favorite medium: Watercolor paint and sculpture

Favorite subject: Fashion; dresses, pants and tee shirts

“I like selling art. I like watching people’s reactions. It makes me happy. When Candice calls me an artist, I feel proud. I like making choices. When I am working on my art, I feel emotions like happy and smiles. Sometimes when I make art, I also feel sad and a little scared and a little depressed. After my artwork is completed, I feel excited.”

Anastasia painting

Chris N

Chris with his painting

Chris loves architecture and often connects a building to an important memory in his life. His paintings become not only a study in line and geometric shape, but a way that he shares his memories and feelings about the people and places that are important to him.

“It’s my favorite subject and it makes me feel good. The way I do it makes me feel relaxed. It’s a cool way of expressing how I feel. I feel good and really proud of myself when I do it. It makes me confident that I’ll do more art.”

Maureen T

Favorite medium: Paint

Favorite subject: horses, blue, cheesecake, hotdogs, squares

When asked how she feels when she makes art, Maureen replied: “Happy, sad.   Mom and Dad. My mom and dad died.

With tears in her eyes she spoke of how she misses them and of her gratitude for her two sisters, Bev and Penny.

Maureen smiling with turtle artwork