The Extraordinary Artists of PRI

Thanks to a 2024 Minnesota State Arts Board Arts Education grant, PRI introduced two new arts disciplines – ceramics and printmaking – to artists with disabilities. Our extraordinary artists participated in two 8-week units that included instruction at Highpoint Center for the Printmaking and Mudluk Pottery as well as in-agency, and culminated in public exhibitions of their work.

Minnesota State Arts Board & Clean Water Land & Legacy Amendment logos and statement: This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

Highpoint Center for Printmaking

Highpoint Center Logo
PRI Artist, Deonte, at the First Annual Cheers to the Arts Event

PRI Artist, Deonte, at the First Annual Cheers to the Arts Event.

Mudluk Pottery

Mudluk Logo
PRI Clients in front of Mudluk Pottery

PRI Artists from Left to Right: Geordy L., Jim B, Jim D, Art Instructor Karly Bergmann, Jazmin H., Kamia W., Rose A., Sharon S., and Mudluk Co-Founder, Sayge Carroll.

For more information contact:
Kalina Spielbauer, Senior Director of Programs