
Make your end of year gift today

Watch a special holiday message from PRI CEO, Julie Zbaracki…

Check out our 2023 Annual Report 

2023 Annual report group cover photo

Community means something
different to everyone.

Man and woman smiling in front of art

Explore Our Services

An engaging, inclusive environment with opportunities to participate in the arts, find employment, and develop friendships.

Woman smiling in kitchen

Employ Our Clients

Employing our clients adds diversity to your staff, brings joy to your workplace, and provides the labor solution you’ve been looking for.

Group photo

Join Our Staff

What opportunities exist to join the PRI staff, and where do we currently have openings? Could you be a good fit for the PRI team?

Nathan with pile of clothing

Nathan’s abilities are starting to shine, and his outcomes are beginning to become a reality.
A true success story.

Our Services

Partnership Resources philosophy on providing program services focuses on individualized planning,
support and evaluation. Program services include day programs, employment, the arts,
and music therapy to create opportunities for growth and opportunities.

Employment Services

Creating partnerships
between people with
disabilities and the
business community

Day Services

Functional skill
development, learning
through experiences,
and community inclusion

Older Adult Programs

A supportive environment
as individuals transition
into the next phase
of life

Vocational Immersion

Preparing individuals to
find rewarding, stable
employment, focusing
on work readiness

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Arts Programming

PRI is a leader among day programs in offering meaningful arts engagement for all abilities. Our program includes arts related programming and Community Art Partnerships.

“PRI has allowed our son to grow to his full potential. PRI has provided a home away from home for Geordy. We have seen Geordy grow socially, developmentally, and creatively since he became a client at PRI. The staff at PRI have understood and embraced Geordy from the moment he entered the program.”

– Stacey Dinner-Levin, PRI Parent
Partnership Resources Inc Logo

Join us!

This can mean so many things to so many people! Explore how you can get connected with Partnership Resources
as a client, an employer, an arts partner, or even a financial supporter – there are options for everyone!
Contact us today to explore PRI and how you can join in on the impact we are making in the Twin Cities!
