Made in the Shade logo

Made in the Shade Registration

* denotes a required field

    First Name*

    Last Name*



    T-Shirt Size*

    Note: T-shirts will be available for pick up at the PRI table at the Made in the Shade event.

    Street Address*





    *This entry is not valid without checking the box below.

    I agree not to hold Made in the Shade coordinators, the City of Minneapolis, the State of Minnesota or any of its agents, officers or employers liable for any claims, actions, losses, costs or expenses that may arise in connection with my participation in the Made in the Shade Walk, Run & Roll. Pursuant to Minnesota statute 604.055, this waiver does not report or intend to have liability for damages, injuries, or death resulting from conduct that constitutes greater than ordinary negligence. I also authorize event coordinators and any agent authorized by them to use any photographs or videotapes of this event.