Dear PRI Partners,  

We are writing to update you on PRI’s in-person services within the context of COVID safety.  Even as we all saw surges in COVID-19 cases across Minnesota and beyond in recent months, data collected by the State does not show any significant outbreaks in day services programs for adults with disabilities.  

Since resuming in-person services in June, Partnership Resources, Inc. (PRI) has no reported positive cases for any of our employees and no outbreaks within our facilities.  The positive cases our clients have experienced have been linked to community spread (not traced to contracting at PRI) and PRI has had success in mitigating spread within our facilities.

To provide the PRI community with updated information on an ongoing basis, PRI developed a PRI COVID-19 dashboard to share on our website.  The dashboard includes information on the number of positive cases reported within our clients and staff for the past week as well as cumulative information on the number of cases since in-person services resumed in June 2020. 

The dashboard can be found on our website at: 

PRI continues to prioritize the health and safety of the individuals we serve and our employees by following our robust Pandemic Plan procedures including a health screening processes upon entrymandatory face coverings and personal protective equipment, limiting capacity within our buildings, maintaining cohorts of the same individuals each day, and many other modifications and safety practices.   

As we move past the winter holidays and the COVID landscape continues to move in a positive direction, please do not hesitate reaching out to your Program Director or Designated Coordinator with any questions as you determine the right time to attend PRI’s in-person services.   

If you are interested in discussing or altering your in-person or virtual services schedule, please reach out to your Program Director or Designated Coordinator at any time.  

Thank you & stay well!